Nick Nichols' USPology℠ System

A Dynamic Unique Selling Proposition defines a distinct, exclusive benefit promised by a company, service, product, individual or brand that empowers it to stand out from competitors. A Dynamic USP must be obvious, relevant and meaningful to a specific target audience and must convey a solution to a vital problem that target audience has now or could have soon. The opposite of a Dynamic USP is a dysfunctional USP.

A Dynamic USP can increase your sales immediately and dramatically with little or no increase in advertising or promotional expenses!

My ongoing research, conducted over 25 years, has found that as of September, 2024, 95% of commercial businesses and non-profit organizations STILL do not have a Dynamic USP and, in fact, have dysfunctional or non-existent USPs!

Sadly, for those commercial businesses and non-profit organizations, lack of a Dynamic USP is a brick wall that is keeping ideal, premium buyers, potential joint venture partners, potential M&A dealmakers – even the media – out!

Why You Need a Dynamic USP Now:

In ten seconds or less, potential buyers must get a clear idea of how what you do will solve an urgent, expensive, right-now problem or problems they have, cost-effectively.

If not, it will hinder them from taking the next step, which is to take the time to explore further to determine if what you offer makes sense for them.

In today’s attention deficit, sound bite, fast-cut edit world, you must communicate what you do, who you do it for, and the positive results you deliver, in ten seconds or less – especially on your website home page!

Why “ten seconds or less?”

According to Forbes magazine, the average adult reads 300 words per minute. That’s around 50 words in ten seconds.

According to various studies as quoted in a 2015 Time magazine article, the average adult starts to lose attention in about eight seconds. That’s about 40 words.

That means you must develop and deploy a Dynamic USP that contains 40-50 words or so if you want to deliver your message quickly and concisely so that it will be absorbed and acted upon!

If you don’t do this, busy people will move on until they find a business that does communicate this effectively!

The sooner you do this, the sooner your marketing investments will pay off!


“Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying the basic fundamentals.” — Jim Rohn

*The USP concept is often attributed to the late Rosser Reeves, advertising pioneer and former chairman of The Ted Bates Agency. It is believed that the Don Draper character in AMC’s Mad Men was loosely based on Reeves.